| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson: S. Horvat |
2:00-2:20 | Search for the SM Higgs Bosons at D0  | Suyong Choi (SKKU) |
2:20-2:40 | Inclusive SM Higgs search (ATLAS)  | Francesco Polci (LAL Orsay) |
2:40-3:00 | Inclusive Search for the SM Higgs Boson in the H -> gamma gamma channel at the LHC  | Serguei Ganjour (CEA/Saclay) |
3:00-3:25 | Search for the SM Higgs Boson in the H -> ZZ* and WW* at the LHC  | Sinjini Sengupta (UMN, CMS) |
3:25-3:45 | Jet substructure as a new Higgs search channel at the LHC  | Gavin Salam (LPTHE, CNRS, Paris) |
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3:45-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: Suyong Choi |
4:10-4:35 | Search for the MSSM Higgs Bosons at the LHC  | Giorgos Anagnostou (RWTH) |
4:35-4:55 | Search for Charged Higgs Bosons at D0  | Yvonne Peters (D0) |
4:55-5:15 | Search for Charged Higgs in Top Quark Decays at CDF  | Geumbong Yu (U. Rochester) |
5:15-5:35 | MSSM charged Higgs (ATLAS)  | Christopher Potter (McGill U.) |
5:35-5:55 | The Charged MSSM Higgs boson at LHC and ILC: Experimental Resolution vs. Theory Predictions  | Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA, Santander) |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: M. Muhlleitner |
2:00-2:20 | Search for the VBF Production of SM Higgs Boson at the LHC (CMS)  | Pietro Govoni (INFN Milano-Bicocca) |
2:20-2:40 | Search for the SM Higgs boson in VBF production mode (ATLAS)  | Nunes Hanninger Guilherme (Bonn U.) |
2:40-3:00 | Search for the SM Higgs Boson in associated production mode  | Huaqiao Zhang (IHEP) |
3:00-3:20 | 3-loop corrections to the lightest Higgs boson mass in supersymmetry  | Luminita Mihaila (TTP Karlsruhe) |
3:20-3:40 | Associated MSSM Higgs Production with Heavy Quarks: SUSY-QCD Corrections  | Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Inst.) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: J.S. Lee |
4:10-4:30 | Search for MSSM neutral Higgs (ATLAS)  | Jana Schaarschmidt (Dresden) |
4:30-4:50 | CP-violating Higgs at Tevatron  | Siba Prasad Das (PI, Bonn) |
4:50-5:10 | Light Charged and CP-odd Higgses in MSSM-like Models at tan beta \simeq 1  | Radovan Dermisek (IAS) |
5:10-5:30 | Possible lepton universality breaking in Upsilon decays in the NMSSM  | Miguel Sanchis-Lozano (IFIC, U. Valencia) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: R. Dermisek |
2:00-2:20 | Study of VV-scattering processes as a probe of electroweak symmetry breaking  | Pietro Govoni (Milano-Bicocca) |
2:20-2:40 | Partially strong weak gauge boson scattering  | Cheng-
Wei Chiang (NCU, Taiwan) |
2:40-3:00 | Search for the BSM Higgs Bosons at D0  | Ingo Torchiani (U. Freiburg) |
3:00-3:20 | Azimuthal angle correlation in vector-boson fusion processes at LHC  | Kentarou Mawatari (KIAS) |
3:20-3:40 | Higgs bosons of a supersymmetric U(1)' model  | Seung Woo Ham (KAIST) |
| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st A session | Chairperson: Michael Spira |
2:00-2:30 | Flavor Data Constraints on the SUSY Parameter Space (6MB) | Nazila Mahmoudi (Uppsala) |
2:30-2:50 | Constraining SUSY with Precision Observables: Going Beyond the CMSSM  | Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA) |
2:50-3:10 | Hadronic Production of Colored SUSY Particles with Electroweak NLO Contributions  | Maike Trenkel (MPI, Munich) |
3:10-3:30 | Squark Anti-Squark Pair Production at the LHC: the Electroweak Contribution  | Edorado Mirabella (MPI, Munich) |
3:30-3:50 | Using Dimensional Reduction for Hadronic Collisions  | Dominik Stockinger (Dresden) |
| 1st B session | Chairperson: Csaba Balazs |
2:00-2:20 | Measurement of Dark Matter Relic Density in the mSUGRA Co-Annihilation Region at the LHC (7MB) | Teruki Kamon (Texas A&M) |
2:20-2:40 | Collider Signals and Neutralino Dark Matter Detection in Relic-Density-Consistent Models without Universality  | Eun-Kyung Park (Bonn) |
2:40-3:00 | Study of Drell-Yan Production of Superparticles in the Stau NLSP Scenario  | Ryuichiro Kitano (LANL) |
3:00-3:20 | Determining the Mass for an Ultralight Gravitino at the LHC  | Satoshi Shirai (UT-HEP) |
3:20-3:40 | mSUGRA Signals of Supercritical String Theory at the LHC (7MB) | Teruki Kamon (Texas A&M) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 3rd session | Chairperson: Paul de Jong |
4:10-4:30 | Opening up Gluino Searches at the Tevatron  | Jay Wacker (Stanford) |
4:30-4:50 | Searches for Squarks and Gluinos at the Tevatron (CDF+D0) (8MB) | Song Ming Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) |
4:50-5:10 | Summary of Stop/Sbottom Search (CDF+D0)  | Philippe Calfayan (LMU) |
5:10-5:30 | Search for Supersymmetry in ppbar Collisions at root(s)=1.96 TeV Using the Trilepton Signature of Chargino-Neutralino Production (CDF+D0)  | Sourabh Dube (Rutgers) |
5:30-5:50 | Summary of Searches for SUSY in Photonic States and Long Lived Particles (CDF+D0)  | Elemer Nagy (CPPM) |
5:50-6:10 | HERA Searches for Leptoquarks and Other Signatures with Isolated High pt Leptons  | Stefan Schmitt (DESY) |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: M. Nojiri |
2:00-2:30 | Transverse Mass for Pairs of Gluinos  | Yeong Gyun Kim (KAIST) |
2:30-2:50 | Inclusive Transverse Mass Analysis for Squark and Gluino Mass Determination | Yasuhiro Shimizu (IPMU) |
2:50-3:10 | What We Know from MET Signatures at the LHC?  | Partha Konar (florida) |
3:10-3:30 | Non-Universal Gaugino and Scalar Masses: A Signal Based Analysis for the Large Hadron Collider  | Subhaditya Bhattacharya (HCRI) |
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3:45-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: Arnd Meyer |
4:10-4:30 | Search Strategy and Discovery Potential at LHC (ATLAS+CMS)  | Christian Autermann (Hamburg) |
4:30-4:50 | Data-Driven Estimations of Standard Model Backgrounds to SUSY Searches  | Federica Legger (MPI, Munich) |
4:50-5:10 | Exclusive Studies and Determination of SUSY Parameters at LHC  | Peter Wienemann (Bonn) |
5:10-5:30 | Searching for SUSY at ATLAS with Trileptons and Missing Transverse Momentum  | Tapas Sarangi (Wisconsin, Madison) |
5:30-5:50 | Same-Sign Dimuons at the LHC (ATLAS+CMS) (4MB) | Yuriy Pakhotin (Florida) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: S.Y. Choi |
2:00-2:30 | Radiation of Extra-Jets in Inclusive SUSY Samples | Simon de Visscher (UCL) |
2:30-2:50 | SFitter: Reconstructing Supersymmetry  | Michael Rauch (Edinburgh) |
2:50-3:10 | Parameter-Space Exploration of the MSSM: A Bayesian Approach to Particle Physics Phenomenology  | Shehu AbdusSalam (DAMTP) |
3:00-3:20 | Running of Bottom-Yukawa Coupling in the MSSM  | Luminita Mihaila (Karlsruhe) |
3:20-3:40 | Determining Heavy Mass Parameters in Supersymmetric SO(10) Models  | Frank Deppisch (Manchester) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: Stefan Scopel |
4:10-4:30 | Sneutrino LSPs in R-Parity Violating Minimal Supergravity Models  | Siba Prasad Das (Bonn) |
4:30-4:50 | Lepton Number Violating mSUGRA and Neutrino Masses  | Steve Chun-Hay Kom (DAMTP) |
4:50-5:10 | Signatures for Doubly Charged Higgsinos at Colliders  | Santosh Rai (Helsinki) |
5:10-5:30 | CP violation in Chargino Production at the One Loop Level  | Krzysztof Rolbiecki (Warsaw) |
| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson: Y. Y. Keum |
2:00-2:20 | Charm Mixing and CP Vilation at BaBar | Diego Milanes (IFIC, BaBar) |
2:20-2:40 | New Physics Searches at BaBar  | Francesco Renga (U. di Roma La Sapienza) |
2:40-3:00 | Direct CP violation on B->Kpi decays at Belle  | Yuuji Unno (Hanyang U.) |
3:00-3:20 | CP asymmetry of B -> K \pi in SUSY models with non-universal A-terms  | Shaaban Khalil (British U. Egypt) |
3:20-3:40 | Prospects of Super B factory at KEK  | Byung Gu Cheon (Hanyang U.) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: R. Kitano |
4:10-4:30 | Search for neutrino-less double beta decay with NEMO-3 | Irina Nasteva (U. Manchester) |
4:30-4:50 | Activities on double beta decay search experiments in Korea  | HongJoo Kim (KNU) |
4:50-5:10 | Probing New Physics Scenarios with Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay  | Frank Deppisch (U. Machester) |
5:10-5:30 | New Approach to Neutrino Mixings and CP Violations | Hong-Jian He (Tsinghua U.) |
5:30-5:50 | LFV in semileptonic tau decays and muon-electron conversion in nuclei in SUSY-seesaw  | Maria Herrero (UAM) |
5:50-6:10 | Dirac Neutrino Masses from Generalized Supersymmetry Breaking  | Lisa Everett (U. Wisconsin, Madison) |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: S. Khalil |
2:00-2:30 | Discrepancy in the Unitarity Triangle fit from b <-> s transitions | Marcella Bona (CERN) |
2:30-2:50 | Measurement of Branching fraction in B->Xs gamma  | Jan Schuemann (KEK) |
2:50-3:10 | SusyBSG: a code for B-> Xs gamma in the MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation  | Pietro Slavich (CERN & LAPTH) |
3:10-3:30 | A Reconsideration of b -> s gamma in the Minimal Flavor Violating  | Michael Wick (TUM) |
3:30-3:50 | Phenomenology of models with non-universal sfermion masses (16MB) | Kazuki Sakurai (Nagoya U) |
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3:50-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: S. Baek |
4:10-4:30 | SUSY CP problem and spontaneous CP violation in SUSY GUT  | Sung-gi Kim (Nagoya U.) |
4:30-4:50 | Bs mixing phase and lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric SU(5)  | Jae-hyeon Park (INFN Padova) |
4:50-5:10 | Quark and lepton masses at the GUT scale including SUSY threshold corrections  | Stefan Autush (MPI Munich) |
5:10-5:30 | Flavored Electric Dipole Moments in SUSY standard models (7MB) | Minoru Nagai (KEK) |
5:30-5:55 | Testing lepton universality and the flavor structure of the SM with Kl2 decays and K+ -> pi+ nu numbar decays  | Fabio Ambrosino (U. Napoli and INFN) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: J.H. Park |
2:00-2:20 | SUSY parameter space of family symmetries  | Liliana Velasco-Sevilla (Abdus Salam ICTP) |
2:20-2:40 | Lepton Flavour Violation and electron EDM in a non-abelian SUSY flavour model  | Lorenzo Calibbi (SISSA/ISAS) |
2:40-3:00 | A new, direct link between the baryon asymmetry and neutrino masses  | Michele Frigerio (IPhT, CEA/Saclay) |
3:00-3:20 | Lepton flavour violation in the SUSY type II seesaw mechanism (6MB) | Filipe Joaquim (UAM &IFT, Madrid) |
3:20-3:40 | Supersymmetric Higgs Singlet Effects on FCNC Observables  | Robert Hodgkinson (U. Manchester) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: F. Borzumati |
4:10-4:40 | The muon g-2 and the bounds on the Higgs boson mass  | Massimo Passera (INFN Padova) |
4:40-5:00 | The MSSM confronts the precision electroweak data and the muon g-2  | Daisuke Nomura (KEK) |
5:20-5:40 | Tri-bimaximal Generation Mixing from Cascades  | Ryo Takahashi (Osaka U.) |
5:50-6:10 | Neutrino masses in supersymmetric $SU(3)C \otimes SU(3)L \otimes U(1)X$ models  | Jairo Alexis Rodriguez (U. National de Colombia) |
5:40-6:00 | Flavor identification of astronomical high energy neutrinos and the accuracy of mixing angles  | Kim Siyeon (Chung-Ang U.) |
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| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson : Lisa Everett |
2:00-2:20 | New Scenarios for Supersymmetric Phenomenology  | Eduardo Ponton (Columbia U.) |
2:20-2:40 | U(1)_R mediation from the flux compactification in six dimensions  | Hyun Min Lee (Carnegie Mellon U.) |
2:40-3:00 | Anomaly Mediation without negative sleptons and Radius Stabilization by Constant Boundary Superpotentials in a Warped Space  | Nobuhito Maru (Kobe U.) |
3:00-3:20 | Constraints of the $B_{\mu}/\mu$ solution due to the hidden sector  | Haeyoung Cho (SNU) |
3:20-3:40 | Radiative B-L symmetry breaking and the Z' mediated SUSY breaking  | Takayuki Kubo (KEK) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: R. Rattazzi |
4:10-4:30 | Non-perturbative moduli superpotential with positive exponents  | Tatsuo Kobayashi (Kyoto U.) |
4:30-4:50 | Orbifold SUSY GUT from the Heterotic String  | Bumseok Kyae (KIAS) |
4:50-5:10 | Sequestering in models of F-term uplifting  | Horoyuki Abe (YITP) |
5:10-5:30 | Moduli stabilization and flavor structure in 5D SUGRA with multi-moduli  | Yutaka Sakamura (RIKEN) |
5:30-5:50 | UV Completion of Axion  | Kang Sin Choi |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
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| 1st A session | Chairperson: T. Kobayashi |
2:00-2:20 | Doubly Lopsided Models from SUSY SU(N)  | Stephen Barr (U. Delaware) |
2:20-2:40 | Observing dynamical SUSY breaking with lattice simulation  | Issaku Kanamori (RIKEN) |
2:40-3:00 | Lattice Formulation of 2D SQCD with exact supersymmetry  | Fumihiko Sugino (OIQP) |
3:00-3:20 | Monte Carlo studies of supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics  | Shingo Takeuchi (KEK) |
3:20-3:40 | Grand unification and enhanced quantum gravitational effects  | Xavier Calmet (UCL) |
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| 1st B session | Chairperson: B.H. Lee |
2:00-2:20 | Hyperkahler metrics and polar multiplets  | Masato Arai (CQUeST) |
2:20-2:40 | Instanton Effective Action in Deformed Super Yang-Mills theories  | Hiroaki Nakajima (SKKU) |
2:40-3:00 | N=1/2 SUSY in 2 dimensions  | Robert Purdy (U. Liverpool) |
2:00-3:20 | Dynamics of Strings between Walls  | Takayuki Nagashima (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) |
3:20-3:40 | E_7(7) on the Light Cone (7MB) | Sung-Soo Kim (U. Florida) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: HD Kim |
4:10-4:30 | Metastable gauged O'Raifeartaigh  | Borut Bajc (Stefan Inst.) |
4:30-4:50 | Spontaneous SUSY breaking with anomalous U(1) symmetry by meta-stable vacuum  | Hiroyuki Nishino (Nagoya U.) |
4:50-5:10 | Deflected Mirage Mediation  | Ian-Woo Kim (U. Wisconsin-Madison) |
5:10-5:30 | Axionic Mirage Mediation  | Shuntaro Nakamura (Tohoku U.) |
5:30-5:50 | Moduli stabilization with matter uplifting in heterotic string theory  | Kwang Sik Jeong (KIAS) |
5:50-6:10 | Metastable supersymmetry breaking vacua from conformal dynamics  | Yuji Omura (Kyoto U.) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: B.S. Kyae |
2:00-2:20 | Holography of Non-relativistic String on AdS5xS5  | Makoto Sakaguchi (OIQP) |
2:20-2:40 | Apparent horizon in holographic dual of quark-gluon hydrodynamics  | Kin-ya Oda (Osaka U.) |
2:40-3:00 | New superconformal field theories in (2+1)-dimension  | Sangmin Lee (SNU) |
3:00-3:20 | Gluon scattering in N = 4 super Yang-Mills at finite temperature  | Koh Iwasaki (Titech) |
3:20-3:40 | A nonperturbative definition of N=4 SYM by the plane wave matrix model  | Shinji Shimasaki (Osaka U.) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: S. Trivedi |
4:10-4:30 | M-theory on pp-waves with a holomorphic superpotential and its matrix description  | Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee U.) |
4:30-4:50 | Constructing Non-Abelian Vortices with Arbitrary Simple Gauge Groups  | Toshiaki Fujimori (Titech) |
4:50-5:10 | Meta-stable Supersymmetry breaking in an N=1 perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theory  | Shin Sasaki (U. Helsinki) |
5:10-5:30 | N = 2 SUSY QED and nonlinear-linear SUSY relation  | Motomu Tsuda (Saitama Inst. Tech.) |
5:30-5:50 | SQCD Vacua and Geometrical Engineering  | Ben Wetenhall (U. Liverpool) |
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| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson: A. Pilaftsis |
2:00-2:20 | The Gravitino-Stau Scenario and BBN  | Joern Kersten (Abdus Salam ICTP) |
2:20-2:40 | Electroweak Baryogenesis and Supergauge Interactions  | Bjorn Garbrecht (U. Wisconsin) |
2:40-3:00 | Supergauge Interactions and Electroweak Baryogenesis | Sean Tulin (Caltech) |
3:00-3:20 | CP Violating Sources for Electroweak Baryogenesis  | Christopher Lee (UC Berkeley) |
3:20-3:40 | Mixing Induced CP Violation for Electroweak Baryogenesis  | Yu-feng Zhou (KIAS) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: A. Mazumdar |
4:10-4:30 | E(6) Leptogenesis  | Rui Luo (Glasgow) |
4:30-4:50 | Detecting Ultra-high Energy Neutralinos  | Sascha Bornhauser (U. Bonn) |
4:50-5:10 | Gravitational wave background as a probe of reheating temperature of the Universe  | Kazunori Nakayama (ICRR, U. Tokyo) |
5:10-5:30 | Curvature perturbation spectrum from false vacuum inflation  | Jinn-Ouk Gong (U. Wisconsin) |
5:30-5:50 | Nflation: observable predictions from the random matrix mass spectrum  | Soo A Kim (Kyung Hee U.) |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
| 1st session | Chairperson: H.B. Kim |
2:00-2:20 | Modulated Inflation  | Tomohiro Matsuda (SIT) |
2:20-2:40 | Inflation by non-minimal coupling  | Seong Chan Park (SNU) |
2:40-3:00 | The Flavour of Inflation  | Ivonne Zavala (CPT and IPPP, Durham U.) |
3:00-3:20 | Testing inflaton at the LHC | Anupam Mazumdar (Lancster & NBI) |
3:20-3:40 | Non-Gaussianity from Symmetry  | Fuminobu Takahashi (IPMU) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: S.K. Kim |
4:10-4:40 | Search for Dark Matter with the XENON 100 Experiment (28MB) | Elena Aprile (Columbia U.) |
4:40-5:00 | Results from KIMS (13MB) | Seongsook Myung (SNU) |
5:00-5:20 | Improvement of the Determination of the WIMP Mass from Direct Dark Matter Detection Data  | Chung-Lin Shan (DMRC, SNU) |
5:20-5:40 | Dark matter discovery in the CNMSSM  | Csaba Balazs (Monash U.) |
5:40-6:00 | Relic density in SO(10) SUSY GUT models  | Jari Laamanen (TU Dortmund) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: A. Ibarra |
2:00-2:30 | First Dark Matter Results from the CDMS 5-Tower Run and the path towards sigma=10^-45 cm^2 Wimp sensitivity  | Tarek Saab (UF) |
2:30-2:50 | Non-thermal X-rays from dark matter annihilation  | Stefano Profumo (UC Santa Cruz) |
2:50-3:10 | $511$ keV $\gamma$-ray emission from the galactic bulge by MeV milli-charged dark matter  | Jong-Chul Park (SNU) |
3:10-3:30 | Light relic neutralinos in Dark Matter direct and indirect searches and at the Large Hadron Collider  | Stefano Scopel (KIAS) |
3:30-3:50 | Singlet fermionic dark matter  | Seodong Shin (KAIST) |
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3:50-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson: S. Profumo |
4:10-4:30 | Dark Matter in Gauge Messenger Models  | Kyu Jung Bae (SNU) |
4:30-4:50 | Neutralino Dark Matter in Light Higgs Boson Scenario  | Masaki Asano (ICRR) |
4:50-5:10 | Lightest U-parity Particle (LUP) dark matter  | Hye-Sung Lee (U. Florida) |
5:10-5:30 | Right-Handed Sneutrinos as Cold Dark Matter  | Frank Deppisch (U. Manchester) |
5:30-5:50 | Dark matter candidates from strong coupled theories  | Christoforos Kouvaris (Niels Bohr Inst.) |
5:50-6:10 | Update of axion CDM energy density  | Ji-Haeng Huh (SNU) |
| 17th, Tuesday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson : D.K. Hong |
4:10-4:30 | Vector Boson Scattering at high mass (ATLAS)  | Adam Davison (UCL) |
4:30-4:50 | Prospects for early discoveries in final states with dileptons, jets and no missing energy: LRSM and Lepto-Quarks (ATLAS)  | Chaouki Boulahouache (U. Pittsburgh) |
4:50-5:10 | Search for ttbar Resonance in the Lepton+Jets Final State in ppbar Collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96TeV (D0) | Thorsten Schliephake (D0) |
5:10-5:30 | Measurement of the Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry in Top-Quark Pair Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at D0  | Su-Jung Park (U. Goettingen) |
5:30-5:50 | Probing Anomalous Wtb Couplings with 1 fb-1 of D0 Data  | Frederique Badaud (LPC Clermont-Fd) |
5:50-6:10 | Study of the top reconstruction in top-partner events at the LHC  | Michihsa Takeuchi (YITP,KEK) |
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| 19th, Thursday | |
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| 1st session | Chairperson: Y. Hosotani |
4:10-4:30 | String Physics at the LHC  | Luis Anchordoqui (U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee) |
4:30-4:50 | Graviton production with 2 jets at the LHC in Large Extra Dimensions  | Partha Konar (Florida U.) |
4:50-5:10 | Custodial bulk Randal-Sundrum Model and B decay  | Jeonghyeon Song (Konkuk U.) |
5:10-5:30 | Fermions and Gauge Bosons in SU(4)_L x U(1)_X models with little Higgs  | Soo-hyeon Nam (NCKU, Taiwan) |
5:30-5:50 | T-parity in the Little Higgs Models  | David Krohn (princeton) |
5:50-6:10 | Search for physics beyond SM at HERA  | Masahiro Kuze (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) |
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| 20th, Friday | |
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Time | 1st session | Chairperson : J.H. Song |
2:00-2:20 | Challenges in the detection of long lived particles: the Hidden Valley Scenario (ATLAS)  | Antonio Sidoti (Roma I) |
2:20-2:40 | Searches in lepton only final states with ATLAS  | Samir Ferrag (Glasgow) |
2:40-3:00 | Global Search for New Physics at CDF  | Si Xie (MIT) |
3:00-3:20 | Search for non-standard SUSY signatures  | Daniel Teyssier (RWTH) |
3:20-3:40 | Searches for New Physics (other than SUSY) at D0  | Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) |
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3:40-4:10 | coffee break | |
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| 2nd session | Chairperson : H.J. He |
4:10-4:30 | Electroweak symmetry breaking and cold dark matter from hidden sector technicolor interaction  | Taeil Hur (KAIST) |
4:30-4:50 | Searches for compositness, extra dimensions, leptoquarks and excited leptons in CMS  | Guinyun Kim (Kyungpook U.) |
4:50-5:10 | One-Loop Effective Action in Orbifold Compactifications  | Gero von Gersdorff (CERN) |
5:10-5:30 | Efficient and Precise Computation of Effective Actions in Radial Backgrounds in General Dimensions  | Hyunsoo Min (U. Seoul) |
5:30-5:50 | EWSB with Unparticles  | Jong-Phil Lee (KIAS) |
5:50-6:10 | The discovery reach for mini-black holes with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC  | James Frost (Cambridge) |