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Organizing Committees 
International Advisory Committee Local Organizing Committee Convenors
International Advisory Committee
- I. Antoniadis (CERN)
- K. Cheung (Tsinghua and NCTS)
- A. Dedes (Ioannina)
- H.K. Dreiner (Bonn)
- J.L. Feng (Irvine)
- K. Hagiwara (KEK)
- D.I. Kazakov (BLTP and JINR)
- Y.P. Kuang (Tsinghua)
- J.D. Lykken (FNAL)
- H. Murayama (Berkeley and IPMU)
- G.G. Ross (Oxford)
- W. de Boer (Karlsruhe)
- M. Cvetic (Pennsylvania)
- K.R. Dienes (Arizona)
- J. Ellis (CERN)
- G.F. Giudice (CERN)
- G.L. Kane (Michigan)
- J. E. Kim (Seoul)
- P.G. Langacker (Pennsylvania)
- R.N. Mohapatra (Maryland)
- P. Nath (Northeastern)
- K. Sridhar (Tata)
Local Organizing Committee
- K. Choi (KAIST)
- E.J. Chun (KIAS)
- D.K. Hong (Pusan Natl.)
- H.B. Kim (Hanyang)
- P. Ko (KIAS, Chair)
- J.Y. Lee (KIAS, Scientific secretary)
- K. Lee (KIAS)
- J.H. Song (Kunkuk)
- S.Y. Choi (Cheonbuk Natl.)
- M. Drees (Bonn)
- C.S. Kim (Yonsei)
- H.D. Kim (Seoul Natl.)
- B. Kyae (KIAS, Scientific secretary)
- B.H. Lee (Sogang, Co-chair)
- S.K. Oh (Kunkuk)
- P. Yi (KIAS)
- Collider phenomenology (Higgs): Abdelhak Djouadi, Sandra Horvat, Jae Sik Lee, Konstantin Matchev, Chiara Mariotti
- Collider phenomenology (SUSY): S.Y. Choi, D. Rainwater, M. Spira, S. Asai, O. Buchmuller
- Flavor, CP and Proton decay: Seungwon Beak, F. Borzumati, A. Pilaftsis
- SUSY model building, theoretical aspects and strings: Hyungdo Kim, Lisa Everett, Riccardo Rattazzi, S. Trivedi
- Astroparticle physics and Cosmology: Manuel Drees, Masahiro Kawasaki, Hang Bae Kim, Sun Kee Kim
- Alternatives (without SUSY): Hong Jian He, D. K. Hong, Alex Pomarol, Jay Wacker
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